dpstyles™: Giant ramp + pro riders + backpack of beer = too bad it was 10 degrees out. (wah!)
dpstyles™: VIP tent = still not heated. (lame!) (btw, we just walked in no credentials)
dpstyles™: That little speck is someone doing much cooler tricks than I can do. Jump was wonky and landing looked a little steep and icy. Lots of riders sketching the landings.
dpstyles™: Snowscrapers + Big Buck Huntin'
dpstyles™: So cold this poor lil Red Bull was spilled and frozen to the table
dpstyles™: H-to-the-H.
dpstyles™: Heeeeelllllloooo new Facebook photo!
dpstyles™: CZS wrecking shitz.
dpstyles™: I used to collect photos of people shooting the bucks - maybe I'll bring them back as a Flickr set (here: JAM BRO)
dpstyles™: I used to collect photos of people shooting the bucks - maybe I'll bring them back as a Flickr set (here: CZS's pal Mayaijazasasdsfsfaewfsddsfadsfdsf)
dpstyles™: Triple. Buck. Bonus. Motherfuckerz.