dpstyles™: $12.50 grilled cheeses are seriously delicious (and cheaper than Beaver Creek surprisingly!)
dpstyles™: Chelsa about to drop this steeeeep double-blue (first part is as steep as any double-black out east)
dpstyles™: DPS + CSZ
dpstyles™: I love this shot. And love it more because The Gin Blossoms are playing Hey Jealously in the background (!!). If you told me 10 years ago this would be my life I would have never believed you.
dpstyles™: Maxin' and relaxin' back at Courtney's place (I took this pic from the little loft above)
dpstyles™: So this is why they call it Park City? (sorry, lame title). The parks here are amazing, btw. Big boy kickers (not in this park) had to be 60-80 feet.
dpstyles™: Jeff had a run in with a tree and I had to dig him out. (ha!)
dpstyles™: Zach had a run in with a tree and ripped his jacket.
dpstyles™: Lazeeee-boying in the snow couch at the top of Jupiter Bowl.
dpstyles™: Lazeeee-boying in the snow couch at the top of Jupiter Bowl.
dpstyles™: Getting our hike on.
dpstyles™: Men. Posing. (As heroes!)
dpstyles™: Looking down into the chutes we hiked to. I dropped that one straight ahead and to the right of the big rock (steep 10 foot drop = a nice Jackson / Corbet's warmup?)
dpstyles™: After a 20 min hike from the Jupiter Bowl, about 10,000 feet
dpstyles™: Chairlift + six pack (that's six seats, not six beers, btw)
dpstyles™: The chutes we dropped after hiking the ridge to the west of the Jupiter Bowl (yellow line is where I came down... Hey Zach, I just realized I did hit that lower chute I was shooting for - ha)
dpstyles™: Chelsa about to drop this steeeeep double-blue (first part is as steep as any double-black out east)
dpstyles™: Not on the list (again). Zach hustling.
dpstyles™: Lisa.E in the hizzzzzoooouusssseeeeee (ps: P.Diddy wants his hat back)
dpstyles™: View from the stage @ Seth's show (Sweeet!) in Park City. ("I mean what's the deal with Grape Nuts? You open the box, no grapes, no nuts! What. Is. The. Deal?!")
dpstyles™: Fancy Panys dinner with a freebee dessert (chocolate dippin' sauce). I drank my 4th coffee ever (Cappuccino) right after this btw - it like Magic Awake Juice!
dpstyles™: Best deal in Park City (esp compared to $12.50 mid-mountain grilled cheeses!). ps: Main Street, in the mall and take a right (Chx Dumpling soup = goooooood)
dpstyles™: Fresh, warm fudge in this little wrapper kind of feels like dog poop in your hands (just saying!)
dpstyles™: Found in the Salt Lake City airport: Jackson Hole Magazine with an article on surviving an avalanche. Yikes. (note to self: hook up w/ avi class in Jackson)
dpstyles™: Six pack. (anyone want to Photoshop in Mary and Brian?)
dpstyles™: Change of plans... we got busted trying to smuggle BK into VIP lounge. Oh well.
dpstyles™: Loungin' VIP (thx ZK) en route back to NYC (via Vegas for an hour - heeeellllooooo airport slots!)
dpstyles™: Sundance without a pass cant be any more of a pain in the ass - we hustled hard to make it into this one.
dpstyles™: Getting our Black Dynamite on. (Google the trailer!)
dpstyles™: I can't believe I forgot to post this! From yesterdays après ski - as soon as we walked in some Amste l Ski Bunny girls handed us free beers and Gin Blossoms started playing Hey Jealousy. Heaven!