dpstyles™: SUV to LGA, MKO style
dpstyles™: forecast for our vacation (thu + fri + sat)
dpstyles™: pretty impressed with the location tracking on iPhone Google Maps - nailed me on the runway at CHI
dpstyles™: hooooo dogggy cooolllld
dpstyles™: hotel room at the 49er. two beds = luxury!
dpstyles™: makeshift drying rack - and as a result our whole room smells like my boots
dpstyles™: breakfast while the moon is still out.
dpstyles™: free breakfast. the goal: load up on as much food as possible so we can starve off lunch as long as possible
dpstyles™: Paul, bartender at Silver Dollar Bar (aka Mike.A's BFF from his days working in Jackson Hole)
dpstyles™: bubba's bbq - check out the size of my rack of ribz
dpstyles™: 5 minutes before this we were gapping mini cornices. 5 minutes after this we were hiking the headwall. this place is pretty awesome.
dpstyles™: hiking the headwall. casper bowl = closed.
dpstyles™: hiking the headwall (day 1)
dpstyles™: hiking the headwall
dpstyles™: dumping snow here. heading to hike headwall again.
dpstyles™: powder vs courdory. super fast either way
dpstyles™: en route to mtn. first gondola at 9am. met our e. village friends of the shuttle bus again. rumor has it I may get to newt up with Eric Case for a run today!
dpstyles™: from the gondola. last run me thinks. our last run was backcountry / out of bounds / deep snow = i'm exhausted
dpstyles™: about to drop into the backcountry
dpstyles™: we hiking that ridge all the way at the top. 20 mins. then I can eat the pb&j I got in my pocket
dpstyles™: this chute was surrounded by cliffs. we dropped at 12 footer (?) at the end
dpstyles™: it is so so so sick here. hey hannan - heading to headwall now. met some kids on the gondola who live 9 n ave c - riding w them now
dpstyles™: heading to corbets. eek
dpstyles™: I'm headed out to Wyoming...
dpstyles™: looking into corbet's couloir - closed due to snow / avalanche conditions
dpstyles™: corbets = closed! too much snow = avalanche. I'm 80% bummed 20% relieved. got a whole powder day to enjoy. we re waist deep. wow.
dpstyles™: hey j - pillow drops!
dpstyles™: in line for 9am gondola. first sign of a line all week. in the background u can hear them blasting for avalanches. we re headed to corbets.
dpstyles™: live band in the gondola line
dpstyles™: top of the headwall (day 2). kind of looks like we're on the moon.