pretty impressed with the location tracking on iPhone Google Maps - nailed me on the runway at CHI
free breakfast. the goal: load up on as much food as possible so we can starve off lunch as long as possible
Paul, bartender at Silver Dollar Bar (aka Mike.A's BFF from his days working in Jackson Hole)
5 minutes before this we were gapping mini cornices. 5 minutes after this we were hiking the headwall. this place is pretty awesome.
en route to mtn. first gondola at 9am. met our e. village friends of the shuttle bus again. rumor has it I may get to newt up with Eric Case for a run today!
from the gondola. last run me thinks. our last run was backcountry / out of bounds / deep snow = i'm exhausted
we hiking that ridge all the way at the top. 20 mins. then I can eat the pb&j I got in my pocket
it is so so so sick here. hey hannan - heading to headwall now. met some kids on the gondola who live 9 n ave c - riding w them now
corbets = closed! too much snow = avalanche. I'm 80% bummed 20% relieved. got a whole powder day to enjoy. we re waist deep. wow.
in line for 9am gondola. first sign of a line all week. in the background u can hear them blasting for avalanches. we re headed to corbets.