OnePerDay :: Old pal Krucoff gets caught in the rain on his way to my old old old apt (Carmine Street) so Good Pal Dennis hooks him up with my favorite Guster outfit (Dec 2000?)
OnePerDay :: Me and the ladies from Jupiter on a Hunter Daytrip. My jacket = rad! (old Burton Biolight!) That headband = really not so great. (1999?)
OnePerDay :: If me and Alex were ever in a band this would be our album cover (Jan 2005)
OnePerDay :: Two random people dressed up like Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Zizmor! (Halloween 2003)
OnePerDay :: Remember that Karaoke LVHRD back in 2006? (the one Battjer slayed at?) This is what happened afterwards. Fleet Week? Becca? MAKE OUT!!!
OnePerDay :: A few years back (Feb 05) YP organized this photoshoot at some burned out building in W'burg. We bought clothes from Beacons Closet down the street. Ha!
OnePerDay :: The legend of MF and the long lost Michelle Branch autograph (October 2003)