neilhilton65: Hawfinch
Hockey.Lover: The end is here... Grey Squirrel
walterjeffords: Jekyll Island Ga.
alicecahill: Barn Owl
Kent Van Vuren: We have invaded Monterey Harbor and it is ours, Monterey, California, 12-18-24
Gregs eBirds: FOS Redheads
Tim Melling: Goshawk
walterjeffords: Oakland Cemetery
Oleg Nomad: Водяной уж, Natrix tessellata, Dice Snake
walterjeffords: End of Autumn
Bergman, Anders: Eurasian Jay
walterjeffords: Banks Lake, Georgia
alicecahill: Green Heron
Bergman, Anders: Crested Tit
Oleg Nomad: Шилоклювка, Recurvirostra avosetta, Pied Avocet
Oleg Nomad: Шилоклювка, Recurvirostra avosetta, Pied Avocet European Robin
Oleg Nomad: Бородатая неясыть, Strix nebulosa lapponica, Great Grey Owl
Oleg Nomad: Ополовник, Aegithalos caudatus caudatus, Long-tailed Tit European Robin
dougmason: Sandhill Cranes in flight (San Luis NWR)
dougmason: American Kestral (San Luis NWR)
Oleg Nomad: Ополовник, Aegithalos caudatus caudatus, Long-tailed Tit
Kent Van Vuren: Bonaparte's Gull, Monterey Harbor, Monterey, 11-18-24
Bob Gunderson: Hooded Merganser
E_Rick1502: Northern Pygmy Owl