Uberdoog: Popular demand
Uberdoog: Feeding hungry kids
Uberdoog: Fry crisp
Uberdoog: Bandeng: Ready for Cleaning
Uberdoog: 4 kgs of fish! at 92 US Cents/lb
Uberdoog: Where's the fish?
Uberdoog: Sultan Duo
Uberdoog: The Fisherman's Wait
Uberdoog: IMG_0593
Uberdoog: Irene, Landing her catch
Uberdoog: Another one!
Uberdoog: a bit of chit-chat in the meantime.
Uberdoog: IMG_0587
Uberdoog: IMG_0586
Uberdoog: Gotta be more out there
Uberdoog: IMG_0582
Uberdoog: Irene anticipating
Uberdoog: Davin, waiting it out
Uberdoog: Patience, patience
Uberdoog: Cici and sky
Uberdoog: IMG_0577
Uberdoog: Girl's Team
Uberdoog: Fishing Team Two
Uberdoog: Fish has the floor
Uberdoog: Irene gets one
Uberdoog: IMG_0572
Uberdoog: Nicky: So guys, did you have enough food?
Uberdoog: Not to worry...the girls won't eat much
Uberdoog: Gimme!
Uberdoog: The Boys Table was a riot. Of course.