Uberdoog: I'm probably the only one here who dips croquettes in vinegar.
Uberdoog: Would you believe they don't chug vinegar like Pinoys do?
Uberdoog: Final product in THE BLACK BAG
Uberdoog: Tahu Isi frying away
Uberdoog: Deck of Tempe Cards
Uberdoog: Ibu Something
Uberdoog: IMG_0182
Uberdoog: IMG_0181
Uberdoog: IMG_0180
Uberdoog: Pisang / Banana
Uberdoog: Bananas
Uberdoog: Care to cut the deck?
Uberdoog: Tahu, tahu, and more Tahu
Uberdoog: IMG_0174
Uberdoog: Batter
Uberdoog: Tahu Isi stuffing
Uberdoog: Tahu isi (before batter and frying)
Uberdoog: IMG_0169
Uberdoog: Freshly-madeTahu Isi
Uberdoog: Kumbus
Uberdoog: Instant Kitchen