Uberdoog: DSC_0262
Uberdoog: DSC_0263
Uberdoog: DSC_0264
Uberdoog: DSC_0265
Uberdoog: Ricky and Nicky
Uberdoog: Boot!
Uberdoog: Marakanda makes for the ball.
Uberdoog: Gio picking on someone his own size.
Uberdoog: Did I step on...?
Uberdoog: Ricky, Kanda, n Nicky
Uberdoog: Abby
Uberdoog: Goalie
Uberdoog: DSC_0276
Uberdoog: Mahak grins
Uberdoog: DSC_0278
Uberdoog: Kanda and Andy
Uberdoog: Kanda's got the ball
Uberdoog: Andy
Uberdoog: Araucaria a.k.a. Norfolk Pine