Uberdoog: Boom
Uberdoog: DSCN3198
Uberdoog: DSCN3199
Uberdoog: Touristy stuff
Uberdoog: Handmade toys
Uberdoog: DSCN3204
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Apa ikan? Ikan Lele? Ikan Gurame? (What fish? Catfish? Gourami?)
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Behind the Solo Tourism Office
Uberdoog: Frugality
Uberdoog: Hard times
Uberdoog: DSCN3217
Uberdoog: Bleary Highway
Uberdoog: Is that a car coming at me?
Uberdoog: Waste Not Want Not
Uberdoog: Tourist's Gloom
Uberdoog: DSCN3222
Uberdoog: Whaaaa! I wanna go home!
Uberdoog: DSCN3224
Uberdoog: Triple Quadruple Locks
Uberdoog: Who Goes There?
Uberdoog: Westerners II
Uberdoog: Gulag