Uberdoog: DSCN3231
Uberdoog: What happens to the anak-anak: hati-hati!
Uberdoog: Microwaved food
Uberdoog: Formalin? Borax?
Uberdoog: DSCN3235
Uberdoog: Dilapidated buildings of solo
Uberdoog: Early in the morning
Uberdoog: Assorted krupuk
Uberdoog: DSCN3239
Uberdoog: DSCN3240
Uberdoog: water buffalo skin and chicken curry rice
Uberdoog: chips / crackers
Uberdoog: Water buffalo chicharon
Uberdoog: DSCN3245
Uberdoog: kindergarten chairs?
Uberdoog: DSCN3247
Uberdoog: where I have breakfast
Uberdoog: DSCN3249
Uberdoog: Its kitchen
Uberdoog: Pushcart food stall
Uberdoog: DSCN3252
Uberdoog: DSCN3253
Uberdoog: DSCN3254
Uberdoog: DSCN3255
Uberdoog: DSCN3256
Uberdoog: Rice, Mung beans, sweet stuff
Uberdoog: DSCN3261
Uberdoog: DSCN3262
Uberdoog: DSCN3263
Uberdoog: Some statues