Uberdoog: Air Force City (Clark)
Uberdoog: zoom
Uberdoog: Posse thru the Pass
Uberdoog: subic 18 kilometers to go
Uberdoog: cash
Uberdoog: Thank you Come again
Uberdoog: Billboards just like old times
Uberdoog: u r n subic
Uberdoog: zone
Uberdoog: almost there
Uberdoog: Anvaya Cove
Uberdoog: Picture Pretty
Uberdoog: My gosh! Where am I?
Uberdoog: fish
Uberdoog: beach (right)
Uberdoog: beach (left / middle)
Uberdoog: beach (far left)
Uberdoog: tower (perspective 1)
Uberdoog: tower (perspective 3)
Uberdoog: struts
Uberdoog: realm
Uberdoog: steps
Uberdoog: Young trees
Uberdoog: Worms eye view
Uberdoog: Brown Shrike (Tarat / Lanius cristatus)
Uberdoog: Shrike a.k.a "Tarat" (Lanius cristatus)
Uberdoog: Tarat
Uberdoog: sandr1
Uberdoog: sandL2
Uberdoog: Pools