Uberdoog: DSCN8968
Uberdoog: DSCN8970
Uberdoog: DSCN8969
Uberdoog: RP-C7013
Uberdoog: Grasshopper
Uberdoog: No Fly Weather
Uberdoog: Longing for the Sky
Uberdoog: Primer's On
Uberdoog: Faded Glory
Uberdoog: Local Talent
Uberdoog: Now for the Final Coat
Uberdoog: DSCN8982
Uberdoog: Cessna
Uberdoog: From the office
Uberdoog: Negros Island it means
Uberdoog: DSCN8991
Uberdoog: Storm Clouds
Uberdoog: That what it look like?
Uberdoog: Not very big engine
Uberdoog: What that?
Uberdoog: Torn Fabric
Uberdoog: Waiting Patiently
Uberdoog: Piper Cub J-3 Grasshopper
Uberdoog: Piper Cherokee
Uberdoog: Built 1937-1947
Uberdoog: Hangar
Uberdoog: Smoothing Out
Uberdoog: DSCN9016
Uberdoog: Rich Man's Playground