Uberdoog: Da manual
Uberdoog: My eyes kept wandering to the window
Uberdoog: Welcome to Boot Camp
Uberdoog: Up the street from Red Cross
Uberdoog: The Street Below by bored photog
Uberdoog: Sigh, wish I were there
Uberdoog: How do I get up?
Uberdoog: Practice elbow interlock
Uberdoog: Imagine
Uberdoog: Like this!
Uberdoog: Unnhh!
Uberdoog: Together, buddy, together!
Uberdoog: Don't drop 'im, don't drop 'im
Uberdoog: I didn't?
Uberdoog: She's Heavy!
Uberdoog: In Unison
Uberdoog: Instructor
Uberdoog: Do what?
Uberdoog: She can't do it, I betcha. Hee hee hee
Uberdoog: Blow, LLF, Blow, LLF
Uberdoog: Kiss of Life
Uberdoog: Papa don't preach!
Uberdoog: Thanks to the Dummies
Uberdoog: Dummies of all Ages
Uberdoog: Uh huh, keep at it.
Uberdoog: 1, 1002, 1003, 1001, and blow
Uberdoog: Wake Me When My Turn Comes Up
Uberdoog: DSCN7825
Uberdoog: The Mummy