Uberdoog: DSCN3157
Uberdoog: DSCN3158
Uberdoog: DSCN3159
Uberdoog: DSCN3160
Uberdoog: DSCN3161
Uberdoog: DSCN3163
Uberdoog: DSCN3164
Uberdoog: DSCN3165
Uberdoog: DSCN3166
Uberdoog: DSCN3167
Uberdoog: Ok to go, the wave off
Uberdoog: Ground crew out of the way
Uberdoog: We're past the tug now...
Uberdoog: DSCN3171
Uberdoog: DSCN3172
Uberdoog: DSCN3173
Uberdoog: C-130 Boneyard
Uberdoog: C-130 Organ Donors
Uberdoog: UH-1 Widow Makers
Uberdoog: Whee!
Uberdoog: Faster...
Uberdoog: Rolllinng...
Uberdoog: Rolling...
Uberdoog: Airborne!
Uberdoog: Up, up, and away
Uberdoog: Bye bye Ceboom
Uberdoog: DSCN3186
Uberdoog: DSCN3187
Uberdoog: Cebuwing2
Uberdoog: DSCN3189