dpapworth: When I can't find s pillow my hand just has to do.
dpapworth: The face of someone who's plotting some trouble.
dpapworth: Workin on another masterpiece. #kidcreative
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Favorite pastime. Defacing Disney princesses.
dpapworth: Hey!
dpapworth: The first signs of post pizza food coma taking hold.
dpapworth: Hair band fail. I hate it when that happens. #wardrobemalfunction
dpapworth: What do you mean this isn't a very ladylike way to eat pizza?
dpapworth: Being pushed around all day is really tiring.
dpapworth: Artwork: Mickey and Peppa all day and night 😊😮
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Little feet under the door.
dpapworth: Ready to get outside and enjoy the weather.
dpapworth: Trying my hand at this art game. Inspired by @westkim. Available for commissioned murals in the NYC area.
dpapworth: Heading to music class so I have to dress like a rockstar. Shades are essential.
dpapworth: Vids
dpapworth: Mating my territory.
dpapworth: Banksy in the making.
dpapworth: Whadayamean am I up to no good?
dpapworth: Morning drawing class over breakfast.
dpapworth: Face swap with cousin @nickgalvin00. The resemblance is uncanny.