drewpost: Vala, taking time to pose whilst finishing out the edges
drewpost: Tristam jussstttt being able to reach
drewpost: Adam and Ben touching up the light fixtures
drewpost: Camelia polishes off the door frame
drewpost: Lizzie does her "sodding" job :-)
drewpost: The garden room
drewpost: The entryway
drewpost: Yelp burst
drewpost: Mind the Yelp
drewpost: IMG_6677
drewpost: Portobello Gold pub goes mobile!
drewpost: Portobello Gold pub goes mobile!
drewpost: Painting the coat check stand a nice Zipcar green
drewpost: The "road" has been laid
drewpost: Trist putting the lane plans down on paper
drewpost: The garden room nearly done
drewpost: Hard work!
drewpost: All our paint trays
drewpost: I wonder if Sophie would let me paint my room this colour??
drewpost: Queen of the pose :-)
drewpost: Taking a break (far more interesting than watching paint dry.. literally!)
drewpost: Trist laying down the lines
drewpost: Adam sweeping up before the road is painted
drewpost: Working on the lines
drewpost: This is the venue. It's on Torrens St in Islington - just around from Angel Station
drewpost: Rolls of sod