Inland Bay Photography: Dark-eyed "Slate-colored" Junco
Inland Bay Photography: "Okay this isn't funny I can't feel my little toes!"
Inland Bay Photography: Barred Owl 01/06/15
Inland Bay Photography: Harley snow day portrait
Inland Bay Photography: Dark-eyed -Slate-Colored- Junco
Inland Bay Photography: Mourning Dove
Inland Bay Photography: "Stealing nuts?" "Now that hurts me right here!"
Inland Bay Photography: Harley Hobart enjoying a little snow.
Inland Bay Photography: White-breasted Nuthatch
Inland Bay Photography: Ollie checking out my black cat, Kitty Chic.
Inland Bay Photography: Barred Owl just before sunset this evening.
Inland Bay Photography: Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Inland Bay Photography: White-breasted Nuthatch
Inland Bay Photography: Merry Christmas to everyone from Molly!
Inland Bay Photography: Ollie finds me interesting or strange! *grin*
Inland Bay Photography: If Kitty Chic ain't happy, nobody's happy!
Inland Bay Photography: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Inland Bay Photography: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Inland Bay Photography: House Sparrow
Inland Bay Photography: Now who is being nice?
Inland Bay Photography: Blue Jay kinda year.
Inland Bay Photography: Precious Barred Owl
Inland Bay Photography: Favorite perch
Inland Bay Photography: Barred Owl in afternoon light.
Inland Bay Photography: Barred Owl perched in trees in the back of my yard. First sighting in a couple of day, but I was working the weekend so haven't been out either.