graysky.: View From the Hotel
graysky.: Remembering Summer
graysky.: Waikki Sunset
graysky.: Sunset Walk
graysky.: Diamond Head
graysky.: The Battleship Missouri
graysky.: Phalanx CIWS / R2D2 of War
graysky.: Battleship Engineering
graysky.: Memorial for the U.S.S. Arizona
graysky.: U.S.S. Arizona Shrine
graysky.: Pearl Harbor Flag
graysky.: A Hut with a View
graysky.: Twisted Palm Tree
graysky.: Fearsome
graysky.: The Great Wall
graysky.: Sea Wall
graysky.: Big Island Flora
graysky.: Kites along the Kona Coast
graysky.: Mike on the Rocks
graysky.: Playing the Pu Shell
graysky.: Unfolding Fern
graysky.: S. in Wide Brimmed Hat
graysky.: Ohia Lehua in Volcanoes National Park
graysky.: Local Cat
graysky.: Enter the Lava Tube
graysky.: Lava Tube
graysky.: Pheasant on Desolation Trail
graysky.: Halema'uma'u Crater
graysky.: Pahoehoe Lava Flow
graysky.: Chain of Craters Road