Downtown Traveler: A "heavenly bed" at the Westin Grand Central #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Ready for the Ben Folds Five concert at Westin Grand Central #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Awesome spread at the Westin #spglife event in NYC!
Downtown Traveler: Only 5,000 SPG points for access to their posh concert series!
Downtown Traveler: Two girls on a heavenly bed! Living the #spglife at Westin Grand Central
Downtown Traveler: Confirmed: A Westin "heavenly bed" can fit four NYC girls! #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Why not indulge? Treats at the Westin Grand Central #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Ladies enjoying their "seats" for the Ben Folds concert at Westin NYC #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Dessert anyone? Macaroons at the Westin Grand #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Ben Folds Five giving an intimate performance at the Westin in NYC. Reunited after 13 years!
Downtown Traveler: Ben Folds Five concert at Westin Grand Centrsl #spglife #westin
Downtown Traveler: beds for seats at the Ben Folds Five concert in the Westin Grand Central #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Ben Folds Five rocking out at #spglife
Downtown Traveler: Orchids and rock. A very genteel experience at #benfolds #spglife :)