downtempo: fire baskets
downtempo: bicycles, bicycles, bicycles.
downtempo: playa cruiser.
downtempo: center camp with dust storm
downtempo: the machine under construction
downtempo: kitchen/lounge
downtempo: the machine crew
downtempo: randy has lunch or breakfast or something
downtempo: working on part of a stage
downtempo: setting up a camp
downtempo: carrying stuff
downtempo: open playa
downtempo: tire tracks
downtempo: stuff gets hauled in
downtempo: setting up the stage
downtempo: getting ready to forklift the stage
downtempo: the upright stage
downtempo: marc and beer
downtempo: dusk at the frog pond
downtempo: blurry dusk
downtempo: a fire box
downtempo: fire and a chair in the center of the machine
downtempo: watching the fire
downtempo: kelleigh on trike with friend
downtempo: our corner
downtempo: nomadic nutria hunters 2005 camp
downtempo: the man's base
downtempo: the gentle art of bicycle repair
downtempo: cookie makes us the best food
downtempo: the crane (thanks dpw!)