downtempo: another month, another gig of photos to upload!
downtempo: falling asleep to Low is a wonderful thing
downtempo: nothing like getting up early to make me sleepy all day
downtempo: hitting snooze and staring at the flag is a daily routine
downtempo: the courtyard on the way out
downtempo: abc news was interviewing some nuns
downtempo: soy latte and coffee cake
downtempo: a beautiful day to walk by the park
downtempo: driving to the freeway
downtempo: driving down the 101 to work
downtempo: this offramp always has a lot of cars lined up
downtempo: level 3, home sweet home.
downtempo: mundane objects for everyday work
downtempo: bob's big boy is in my hallway for some reason
downtempo: no more meetings today please
downtempo: the campus is really quite nice
downtempo: food is a little bland, so sauces are my friend
downtempo: phil is taking a break
downtempo: diet pepsi is the other fuel of my workday
downtempo: sometimes i like to look at the trees
downtempo: the elevator is a lazy man's pleasure
downtempo: at least we had beer
downtempo: bradley and the rest of the team are focused
downtempo: the flowers are blooming
downtempo: an alligator delicately tasting an origami crane
downtempo: this looks painful
downtempo: traffic is light on the 280
downtempo: home at last
downtempo: i wish.
downtempo: the mission dolores always looks great at dusk