downtempo: wash and dry
downtempo: department of public works
downtempo: construction typeface
downtempo: wash and dry
downtempo: 1999
downtempo: purple
downtempo: tower in the presidio
downtempo: sutro tower in the fog
downtempo: they're always keeping the bocce people down
downtempo: 86 mars
downtempo: the dalva sign
downtempo: 16th & mission bart station
downtempo: sunset tunnel
downtempo: band in an empty loft
downtempo: band in emptiness
downtempo: looking into north beach at night
downtempo: *frozen* foods!
downtempo: sparks!
downtempo:, eh?
downtempo: because pets cant drive.
downtempo: "i love"
downtempo: construction corner
downtempo: i just liked the contrast.
downtempo: crane
downtempo: the mission dolores always looks great at dusk
downtempo: tempus fugit sundial
downtempo: altar screen
downtempo: bird of paradise
downtempo: bird of paradise
downtempo: petal of bird of paradise.