Downing Street:
Gordon and Sarah Brown in Berlin
Downing Street:
Gordon and Sarah Brown in Berlin
Downing Street:
Jose Manuel Barroso in Berlin
Downing Street:
Hillary Clinton in Berlin
Downing Street:
President Medvedev in Berlin
Downing Street:
The Brandenburg Gate
Downing Street:
Dominoes symbolising the Berlin Wall
Downing Street:
Berlin Wall commemoration
Downing Street:
Angela Merkel and Joachim Sauer
Downing Street:
Leaders walk through Brandenburg Gate
Downing Street:
Gordon Brown at the Brandenburg Gate
Downing Street:
Berlin Wall commemoration
Downing Street:
PM speaks at Berlin Wall ceremony
Downing Street:
President Obama's video message
Downing Street:
Mikhail Gorbachev at the celebrations
Downing Street:
Bon Jovi performs in Berlin
Downing Street:
The dominoes fall at the end of the ceremony
Downing Street:
Fireworks on the Brandenburg Gate