Downing Street: Backing young Britain job summit in Birmingham
Downing Street: PM meets young people at Birmingham job summit
Downing Street: PM at Olympic Aquatics Centre
Downing Street: PM views Aquatics Centre
Downing Street: Cabinet meeting
Downing Street: Cabinet meets at Olympic site
Downing Street: PM meets Olympic workers
Downing Street: PM meets workers at the Olympic Park
Downing Street: PM outlines Government's strategy in Afghanistan
Downing Street: PM outlines Afghanistan strategy
Downing Street: PM meets Angela Merkel in Berlin
Downing Street: PM meets Angela Merkel in Berlin
Downing Street: PM opens 200th Academy School
Downing Street: PM meets pupils at Hackney City Academy
Downing Street: PM meets pupils at Hackney City Academy
Downing Street: Maternal health campaigners visit Downing Street
Downing Street: The PM speaks to maternal health campaigners
Downing Street: Pregnant maternal health campaigners visit Downing Street
Downing Street: Reception for backing youth talent
Downing Street: Taskforce for youth talent
Downing Street: Diversity at reception for backing youth talent
Downing Street: Reception for backing youth talent
Downing Street: Reception for backing youth talent
Downing Street: Big Issue founder and vendors meet PM
Downing Street: Big Issue founder and vendors meet PM
Downing Street: Press conference ahead of European Council
Downing Street: London Fashion Week reception
Downing Street: The PM at a Fashion Week reception
Downing Street: The Prime Minister arrives at JFK
Downing Street: World Economic Forum