Downing Street: PM with President Obama
Downing Street: PM and US President Barack Obama
Downing Street: PM and Manmohan Singh
Downing Street: PM and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Downing Street: Gordon Brown and Hu Jintao
Downing Street: PM and Hu Jintao outside 10 Downing Street
Downing Street: PM meets Jamie Oliver
Downing Street: Queen with G20 leaders
Downing Street: German Chancellor welcomes Gordon Brown
Downing Street: PM arrives in Kehl
Downing Street: NATO leaders cross from Germany to France
Downing Street: Honouring NATO military personnel
Downing Street: PM during NATO meeting
Downing Street: PM during NATO meeting
Downing Street: PM talks to President Obama
Downing Street: Flags outside the NATO summit
Downing Street: PM during a press conference at NATO
Downing Street: Gordon Brown and Canadian PM
Downing Street: PM with President of Maldives
Downing Street: Police chiefs reception
Downing Street: PM at Carlisle's new police station
Downing Street: PM in Carlisle
Downing Street: PM at helicopter crash memorial service
Downing Street: PM in Glasgow
Downing Street: PM at Digital Britain Summit
Downing Street: PM at Digital Britain Summit
Downing Street: Malaria No More UK launch
Downing Street: Malaria No More UK launch
Downing Street: Malaria No More UK launch
Downing Street: Every Child a Reader Reception