Downing Street:
Gordon Brown in a round table discussion with members of the Black Christian Leaders' Forum (BCLF)
Downing Street:
The PM with members of the Black Christian Leaders' Forum (BCLF)
Downing Street:
The Prime Minister with FIFA President Sepp Blatter
Downing Street:
The Prime Minister and members of the Energy Saving Trust
Downing Street:
Press conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai
Downing Street:
Gordon Brown meets representatives from the NFL
Downing Street:
Gordon Brown at the Downing Street press conference with the Israeli Prime Minister
Downing Street:
Gordon Brown with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Downing Street:
Gordon Brown waits for a guest at 10 Downing Street
Downing Street:
Downing Street press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan
Downing Street:
The Prime Minister's Liberty speech
Downing Street:
Gordon Brown greets members of the British Royal Legion