Downing Street: American flags
Downing Street: PM's plane at Heathrow
Downing Street: PM arrives at Heathrow
Downing Street: Gordon Brown departs for the US
Downing Street: PM on Good Morning America
Downing Street: PM on Good Morning America
Downing Street: Gordon Brown at a UN breakfast meeting
Downing Street: Gordon Brown and Ban Ki-Moon
Downing Street: Gordon Brown with President Kikwete
Downing Street: Gordon Brown speaking at the UN
Downing Street: The main chamber of the UN
Downing Street: UK journalists question the PM
Downing Street: PM addresses the UK press
Downing Street: The PM's convoy in New York
Downing Street: Gordon Brown arrives in Washington, DC
Downing Street: Gordon Brown arrives in Washington, DC
Downing Street: Gordon Brown and Barack Obama
Downing Street: The PM with Hillary Clinton
Downing Street: Gordon Brown and John McCain
Downing Street: The White House
Downing Street: The PM arrives at the White House
Downing Street: PM arrives at the White House
Downing Street: PM signs in at the White House
Downing Street: Inside the Oval Office
Downing Street: Inside the Oval Office
Downing Street: The Oval Office meeting
Downing Street: Rose Garden press conference
Downing Street: Rose Garden press conference
Downing Street: Rose Garden press conference
Downing Street: Rose Garden press conference