downingsf: 20170618DSC_1924LC flowers and such
downingsf: also see "downingsf" at Zazzle com
downingsf: 20170721DSC_2935LC flowers and such
downingsf: flower-0314-2
downingsf: 20170722DSC_3070LC flowers and such
downingsf: 20170618DSC_1945LC flowers and such
downingsf: 20101126DSC_0768HNL
downingsf: Tropical hibiscus
downingsf: 20170721DSC_2944LC flowers and such
downingsf: experiment with macro 1
downingsf: yellow rose after hawaii rain
downingsf: 20110122DSC_0004HNL
downingsf: 20110411-DSC_0203Redux
downingsf: 20110326-DSC_0154Redux