Dove*: Loch Ard, October Morning
Dove*: loch ard
Dove*: waiting for you
Dove*: fresh and new
Dove*: i wish i knew how it would feel to be free
Dove*: stuck in the middle with you
Dove*: waiting for the ferry
Dove*: escapism
Dove*: passionately red
Dove*: .. a rare moment of stillness
Dove*: raw play
Dove*: grand design
Dove*: blueberry
Dove*: liverpool
Dove*: magic carpet ride
Dove*: rest day
Dove*: lunch
Dove*: ambitious and proud
Dove*: let them eat grass
Dove*: thirst quenching
Dove*: kirkintilloch squinty bridge
Dove*: pollaidh fluff
Dove*: simply difficult
Dove*: sometimes.....
Dove*: kettle
Dove*: jura sunrise
Dove*: out with the old
Dove*: balls