Dove*: Cape Town and Table Mountain from Robben Island
Dove*: Guide on Robben Island - ex political prisioner
Dove*: Penquins at Boulders
Dove*: Penguin at Boulders Beach
Dove*: Roadside attention
Dove*: Cape of Good Hope
Dove*: flighty little beauty
Dove*: cape town
Dove*: Namaqualand
Dove*: namaqualand
Dove*: on the edge of camp...
Dove*: to the loo
Dove*: quiver tree
Dove*: bus stop
Dove*: fish river canyon
Dove*: fish river canyon
Dove*: sunrise at namib desert
Dove*: leave only your footprints
Dove*: evidence
Dove*: sossusvlei, namib desert early morning
Dove*: namib colours
Dove*: Farai, Catherine and Evans
Dove*: lunch prep
Dove*: IMG_8602
Dove*: himba
Dove*: obstruction
Dove*: open