doutback: THEY ARE READY
doutback: MIXING COLOR
doutback: First layer (blue)
doutback: Let's begin...
doutback: First layer drying up
doutback: Second layer (red)
doutback: Yafim in action
doutback: Two colors
doutback: Coffee break
doutback: Stage one is done & all piled up
doutback: Color variations_1
doutback: Color variations_2
doutback: Now, we wait...
doutback: Stage two almost done...
doutback: Next color...
doutback: "WAX ON - WAX OFF..."
doutback: Working...
doutback: Posing...
doutback: Stage three - a little bit of black on top of every poster
doutback: Ninja we ninja...
doutback: End of the day - posters are ready