Doundounba: Focus On The Eyes
Doundounba: Into The Lair (HBBBT!)
Doundounba: Zebra in Black and White
Doundounba: Curious Jumper (#1)
Doundounba: Curious Jumper (#2)
Doundounba: Not a Wolf Spider
Doundounba: Yellow and Metallic Green
Doundounba: Dirty Ladybug
Doundounba: Winged Ant On The Wall
Doundounba: House Jumper
Doundounba: Sitticus Butt (HBBBT!)
Doundounba: Zebra Jumping Spider Eyes
Doundounba: Phid!
Doundounba: Tiny Fly on Yellow Flower
Doundounba: Damsel Bug (Nabidae)
Doundounba: Phid! Audax? (ID shot #1)
Doundounba: Phid! Audax? (ID shot #2)
Doundounba: Another House Jumper
Doundounba: Metallic Green
Doundounba: Juvenile Whiteface Dragonfly Portrait
Doundounba: Sprite Damselfly
Doundounba: Wood-Burrowing Sweat Bee
Doundounba: Unknown Insect (Rhyssa sp.)
Doundounba: Angry Jumper (#1)
Doundounba: Angry Jumper (#2)
Doundounba: Angry Jumper (#3)
Doundounba: Yellow and Black on Green
Doundounba: Back of the Head (Eris Militaris?)
Doundounba: Oh Hai!
Doundounba: Longhorn Face To Face