doug.neiner: Looking for a Thread
doug.neiner: Sunset at the Pittsfield State Forest
doug.neiner: Berries on Mount Greylock
doug.neiner: Sunrise Over October Mountain - Horizontal
doug.neiner: What's the Point
doug.neiner: Painted Skies
doug.neiner: Along the Lines of Color
doug.neiner: Bash Bish Falls
doug.neiner: Beautiful In Its Time
doug.neiner: Waterflow
doug.neiner: Monarch of the Skies
doug.neiner: Green Garden Flowing
doug.neiner: Leaving Room to Grow
doug.neiner: The Ups and Downs of Life
doug.neiner: Beauty In The Spot Light
doug.neiner: Awakening Light
doug.neiner: A Level of Detail
doug.neiner: As Time Moves On
doug.neiner: Christmas Abstract 1
doug.neiner: Christmas Abstract 2
doug.neiner: Crystal
doug.neiner: The Other Side of the Sunset
doug.neiner: Spiral Shell
doug.neiner: The Enticement of Beauty
doug.neiner: How Do You Dew
doug.neiner: The Enchantment of Beauty
doug.neiner: Through the Eyes of a Child
doug.neiner: Pine Cone