hooraray_dsm: img20231010_14201393
hooraray_dsm: Totem pole, British Columbia
hooraray_dsm: Totem poles in BC
hooraray_dsm: CP sipping, top of Grouse Mtn, Vancouver BC
hooraray_dsm: Train to Jasper
hooraray_dsm: img20231007_16382950
hooraray_dsm: img20231007_16395111
hooraray_dsm: img20231010_14460871
hooraray_dsm: CP at our campsite in Jasper, Watchtower Valley
hooraray_dsm: CP in Watchtower Valley, Jasper
hooraray_dsm: Christy sets out into the wilds of the Watchtower Valley in Jasper
hooraray_dsm: Near camp, post Watchtower Valley hike
hooraray_dsm: CP - Moose Lake(?)
hooraray_dsm: Vancouver BC waterfront
hooraray_dsm: Jasper view, BC, Canada
hooraray_dsm: Jasper BC Canada
hooraray_dsm: Camp in Watchtower Valley
hooraray_dsm: Corduroy bridge of lodgepole pine
hooraray_dsm: Corduroy bridge of lodgepole pine
hooraray_dsm: Camp in Watchtower Valley
hooraray_dsm: CP reads map on Watchtower Valley hike
hooraray_dsm: Jasper BC
hooraray_dsm: Watchtower Valley hike, Jasper BC
hooraray_dsm: Watchtower Valley hike
hooraray_dsm: Top of pass, Watchtower Valley, August 1980
hooraray_dsm: Top of pass, Watchtower Valley, Jasper BC Canada, August 1980
hooraray_dsm: Top of pass, Watchtower Valley, August 1980
hooraray_dsm: Jasper BC
hooraray_dsm: CP is here
hooraray_dsm: CP - Vancouver Island BC