Doug Luberts: Hyperspace Mountainin'. The #Force is strong in this one! #StarWars #SeasonOfTheForce #Disneyland
Doug Luberts: Monthly Meeting at the #Pasadena #ScottishRite. #Freemasonry #AASRSJ
Doug Luberts: Wrapping up a great #disneyland #dapperday with a selfie. Ran into the fabulously decked-out @emily.toombs on the way to the car. The photo had to be!
Doug Luberts: Gettin' my Sith on at the Ren Faire.
Doug Luberts: Walt, Mickey, and me... #disneyland #mouse4life #Partners
Doug Luberts: The latest iteration of #WorldOfColor is just magical. #disneyland #mouse4life #disneyscaliforniaadventure
Doug Luberts: Back at whip (work) no #NABShow2016 for me, but it's okay, much magic to make and share right here in#BBK!
Doug Luberts: Getting ready for a recording session with my new group, Dr. John Dee and the Deaftonez. As me late, great, and full-frontal lobotomized, Grannie Egan used to say, "May the balls never fall off your Jayne hat, or anywhere else for that matter! #ThingsGran
Doug Luberts: Great night for a nighttime walk in a place where you can really feel the magic! #WhenYouWishUponAStarAsDreamersDo...
Doug Luberts: Look what came in time for my trip to #NABShow2016! Will get to represent, #Bridgemen-style. Thanks to my sister, Nancy K-D! "On the starting line from Bayonne, NJ, Welcome Back Our Friends to the show that well and truly never ends... HYPE!!! ... It's T
Doug Luberts: This portait of yours truly was done by a street artist in NYC somewhere around 1995, while I was waiting for my NJTransit train in Penn Station. I threw the guy $5, as it was pretty much a bargain, and a much more meaningful way of soliciting for cash th
Doug Luberts: Took my buddy, @jedisaber, down to the Historic Culver Studios today for a tour. Here we are in front of the iconic facade of the former Selznick International Pictures admin building, where David O. Selznick shot the prologue for one of my favorite pictu
Doug Luberts: “A gentleman wears his signet ring on his left hand, but a Kingsman agent wears it on his dominant hand." - #Galahad #mannersmakethman #Kingsman #TheSecretService #2015
Doug Luberts: Today's pop quiz is about symbolism. The first person who can tell me what is represented by this symbolism, both on a surface and more esoteric level, wins a #Free DVD of Super Hero-type movie, courtesy of the soon-tone-rebooted, Geektastic!tm Nebula por
Doug Luberts: My favorite Uncle Al, aka SGC, The Illustrious Albert Pike, A&ASR, SJ. #Freemasonry #Pasadena #ScottishRite
Doug Luberts: This fell out of an old journal, bringing back memories of a different life... #DamnSmartHobbitzes
Doug Luberts: Sometime the Universe makes you the hammer, sometimes the nail, and sometimes you just hit a great deal on a collectible on eBay, and realize that even the the 'Verse can't take the sky from me... #Firefly #KayleeFrye #QmxMiniMasters
Doug Luberts: Scored some great weekend tv watching (if I only had the time to watch!) #MrRobot #usanetwork #emmys2016
Doug Luberts: .@jasoncharlesmiller and the band jamming on some Merle... #RIP #MerleHaggard
Doug Luberts: @jasoncharlesmiller, performing a #MerleHaggard song at Just Dave's Last Chance Country Jam.
Doug Luberts: Angels do walk among us... Especially in #Montrose.
Doug Luberts: Alice Wallace and the band at 'Just Dave's Last Chance' Country Jam, celebrating the life and music of Country legend, Merle Haggard, who passed away today. #RIP #PassTheWhiskey
Doug Luberts: #CraterFace
Doug Luberts: #CraterFace is the real deal. #Honest #RockAndRoll!
Doug Luberts: Among the Japanese, drinking tea has long thought to be such an important part of healthiness and well-being that they have a saying to describe bitter, angry, or selfish, people, in that they are said to "have no tea in them." Damn smart Japanese! #Green
Doug Luberts: Look what I found in my library. Yeah, Chuck knows what is happening next... #ChuckMangione #ChaseTheCloudsAway #music4life
Doug Luberts: Agreed. And although I favor things like Krav Maga, JKD/Kali, BJJ, etc., which are combat systems aimed at taking care of business, Aikido is a great, long-term, style for teaching the futility of #violence to an aggressor... #bullying #stopthebullying
Doug Luberts: Okay, I'm in... #elportaltheatre #nohoartsdistrict