douglas pike:
Falkirk,Kings Close
douglas pike:
wooer street and Tolbooth street in Falkirk
douglas pike:
River Carron under Larbert viaduct
douglas pike:
Larbert Viaduct
douglas pike:
Falkirk Callendar house in Callendar park
douglas pike:
callendar house
douglas pike:
union inn on the Forth and Clyde canal Falkirk
douglas pike:
Rose-bay-willow herb
douglas pike:
memorial stone for the 1923 Redding colliery disaster
douglas pike:
memorial stone for the 1923 Redding colliery disaster
douglas pike:
a path in the glen
douglas pike:
a waterfall in the glen
douglas pike:
path in the woods
douglas pike:
forbes of Callendar mauseleum
douglas pike:
autumn burning bush
douglas pike:
lake side
douglas pike:
canal reflections on the Union Canal
douglas pike:
spirit of the dead tree
douglas pike:
path in the wood
douglas pike:
path in the wood
douglas pike:
callendar park
douglas pike:
down the lane
douglas pike:
down the lane
douglas pike:
Kelpie at Falkirk
douglas pike:
the Blue Bridge
douglas pike:
the wall
douglas pike:
douglas pike:
douglas pike:
The Falkirk Kelpies
douglas pike:
The top of Falkirk Wheel from the Hadrians Wall tunnel