douglas paulson: romantic dinner poster
douglas paulson: hello susanne!
douglas paulson: that's the target
douglas paulson: DSCF0643
douglas paulson: getting ready for the romantic pick-up
douglas paulson: susanne is nervous!
douglas paulson: jesper sets up dinner
douglas paulson: jesper sets up dinner
douglas paulson: susanne's 'cousin' picks up søren
douglas paulson: søren arrives at his taxi
douglas paulson: through the canals
douglas paulson: søren has spotted me
douglas paulson: through the canals
douglas paulson: the boat passes jesper - who's blending in to the scenary with a beer
douglas paulson: they arrive at the drop off spot.
douglas paulson: laurids and søren are off...
douglas paulson: dinner is served!
douglas paulson: IMG_0960