Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus filiformis (thread rush), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus filiformis (thread rush), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Toxomerus marginatus (Margined Calligrapher hoverfly) on Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (three-toothed-cinquefoil), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (three-toothed-cinquefoil), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (three-toothed-cinquefoil), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus trifidus (highland rush), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus trifidus (highland rush), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Mount Jefferson (left), Mount Adams (center), Mount Madison (right), from Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Diapensia lapponica (cushion-plant) in immature fruit (State Threatened); the larger leaves belong to Vaccinium uliginosum (alpine blueberry) (Watch Listed), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Diapensia lapponica (cushion-plant) in immature fruit (State Threatened); the larger leaves belong to Vaccinium uliginosum (alpine blueberry) (Watch Listed), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Luzula spicata (spiked wood rush), Mount Washington, NH. State Endangered.
Doug_McGrady: Mount Washington, NH. Summit 6228 ft.
Doug_McGrady: Mount Adams (center), Mount Madison (right), from Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Corallorhiza trifida (early coral-root orchid) in immature fruit, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Lycopodium lagopus (one-cone clubmoss), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Lycopodium lagopus (one-cone clubmoss), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Mount Jefferson (left), Mount Adams (right) from Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Carex bigelowii ssp. bigelowii (Bigelow's sedge), Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Trichophorum cespitosum (tufted clubsedge), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Roadside plants, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Minuartia groenlandica (mountain sandplant), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus trifidus (highland rush) with Minuartia groenlandica (mountain sandplant), Mount Washington, NH