Doug_McGrady: Thaspium barbinode (Hairy-jointed Meadow-Parsnip), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Vaccinium stamineum (Deerberry), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Bromus sterilis (Barren Brome), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD (not native)
Doug_McGrady: Tradescantia virginiana (Virginia Spiderwort), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Vaccinium stamineum (Deerberry), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Shale Barren Ridgetop, Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Crataegus sp. (Hawthorn), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Phlox subulata (Moss Phlox), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Crataegus sp. (Hawthorn), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Viburnum prunifolium (Blackhaw), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Geranium molle (Dove's-foot Crane's-Bill), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD (not native)
Doug_McGrady: Papilio canadensis (Canadian Tiger Swallowtail butterfly), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: River floodplain, Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Papilio canadensis (Canadian Tiger Swallowtail butterfly), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Oxalis violacea (Violet Woodsorrel), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Lathyrus venosus (Veiny Pea), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Lathyrus venosus (Veiny Pea), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: A river bar of shale, Fifteen Mile Creek, Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Carex torta (Twisted Sedge), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Carex torta (Twisted Sedge), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Carex torta (Twisted Sedge), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: A river bar of shale, Fifteen Mile Creek, Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: A river bar of shale, Fifteen Mile Creek, Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Podophyllum peltatum (Mayapple), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Lonicera dioica (Glaucous Honeysuckle), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Tradescantia virginiana (Virginia Spiderwort), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Tradescantia virginiana (Virginia Spiderwort), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Phacelia dubia (Appalachian Phacelia), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD
Doug_McGrady: Geranium maculatum (Wild Geranium), Green Ridge State Forest, Flintstone, MD