Doug_McGrady: Geum peckii (White Mountain avens), Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Diapensia lapponica (cushion-plant, pincushion-plant) past bloom, Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Spinulum canadense (northern interrupted-clubmoss), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Huperzia appressa (mountain firmoss), Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Dwarf shrubs and stunted trees, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Trichophorum cespitosum (tufted clubsedge), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Alnus viridis (green alder), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Saxifraga rivularis (alpine-brook saxifrage), Mount Washington, NH. State Endangered.
Doug_McGrady: Various lichens, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Various lichens, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Minuartia groenlandica (Greenland stitchwort, mountain sandplant), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: View of the "Alpine Garden" and across Tuckerman Ravine to Boott Spur, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Tuckerman Ravine Trail southeastward toward Alpine Garden Trail, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Geum peckii (White Mountain avens), Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Geum peckii (White Mountain avens), Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Vaccinium vitis-idaea (mountain cranberry), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Vaccinium vitis-idaea (mountain cranberry) with Salix uva-ursi (bearberry willow), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Salix uva-ursi (bearberry willow) female, Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Salix uva-ursi (bearberry willow) female, Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Diapensia lapponica (cushion-plant, pincushion-plant) past bloom, Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Luzula spicata (spiked wood rush), Mount Washington, NH. State Endangered.
Doug_McGrady: Luzula spicata (spiked wood rush), Mount Washington, NH. State Endangered.
Doug_McGrady: Luzula spicata (spiked wood rush), Mount Washington, NH. State Endangered.
Doug_McGrady: Spruce-fir sub-alpine forest, Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus trifidus (highland rush), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Juncus trifidus (highland rush), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Atlantis Fritillary Butterfly (Speyeria atlantis) on Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador-tea), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador-tea), Mount Washington, NH
Doug_McGrady: Salix uva-ursi (bearberry willow) female disbursing seed, Mount Washington, NH. State Threatened.
Doug_McGrady: Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador-tea) flowering, sub-alpine zone, Mount Washington, NH