Doug_McGrady: Limestone cliffs of Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Limestone cliffs of Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Limestone cliffs of Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Lonicera dioica var. glaucescens (wild/glaucus honeysuckle), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Limestone cliffs of Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Staphylea trifolia (American bladdernut), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Staphylea trifolia (American bladdernut), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Polygala paucifolia (fringed milkwort, gaywings), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Hydrophyllum virginianum (eastern waterleaf), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Hydrophyllum virginianum (eastern waterleaf), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Geum rivale (water avens), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Geum rivale (water avens), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Geum rivale (water avens), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Anemone canadensis (Canada windflower, Canadian anemone), roadside wet meadow, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Anemone canadensis (Canada windflower, Canadian anemone), roadside wet meadow, Voorheesville, NY
Doug_McGrady: Argentina anserina (common silverweed), Lake Champlain, Peru, NY
Doug_McGrady: Prunus pumila var. depressa (dwarf sand plum), Lake Champlain, Peru, NY
Doug_McGrady: Corallorhiza trifida (early coral-root orchid), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Corallorhiza trifida (early coral-root orchid), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Equisetum sylvaticum (wood horsetail), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Equisetum sylvaticum (wood horsetail), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Tiarella cordifolia (foam-flower), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Trillium undulatum (painted trillium, painted wakerobin), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Clintonia borealis (yellow blue-bead lily), Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Clintonia borealis (yellow blue-bead lily)
Doug_McGrady: Black Spruce-Tamarack Bog, Northern White Cedar Swamp, Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Black Spruce-Tamarack Bog, Northern White Cedar Swamp, Silver lake Bog, Au Sable Forks, NY
Doug_McGrady: Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry), Gadway Sandstone Pavement Barrens, Mooers, NY
Doug_McGrady: Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry), Gadway Sandstone Pavement Barrens, Mooers, NY
Doug_McGrady: Pinus banksiana (Jack pine), Gadway Sandstone Pavement Barrens, Mooers, NY