Doug_McGrady: Minuartia glabra (Appalachian sandplant), Charlestown, RI. State-threatened. Rare in southern New England.
Doug_McGrady: Minuartia glabra (Appalachian sandplant), Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium virginianum (rattlesnake fern), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium angustisegmentum (narrow triangle moonwort), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium angustisegmentum (narrow triangle Grapefern/Moonwort)
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium matricariifolium (daisy-leaved moonwort), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium matricariifolium (daisy-leaved moonwort), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Cypripedium acaule (pink lady's-slipper), Gadway Sandstone Pavement Barrens, Mooers, NY
Doug_McGrady: Carex albicans var. albicans (white-tinged sedge), Cumberland, RI
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium dissectum (dissected grapefern), Coventry, RI
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium dissectum (dissected grapefern), Coventry, RI
Doug_McGrady: Hypopitys lanuginosa (hairy pine-sap), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Dioscorea villosa (wild yam), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Rhododendron periclymenoides (pink azalea, pinxterbloom azalea), Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Rhododendron periclymenoides (pink azalea, pinxterbloom azalea), Charlestown, RI. A species of concern in the state.
Doug_McGrady: Viola pedata (bird-foot violet), Burlingame Management Area, Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Viola primulifolia (primrose-leaved violet), Burlingame Management Area, Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Viola lanceolata (lance-leaved violet), Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Cypripedium acaule (pink lady's-slipper), Burlingame Management Area, Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Micranthes virginiensis (early small-flowered-saxifrage), Charlestown, RI. Special concern. Unusual for this pitch pine/black oak woodland.
Doug_McGrady: Carex albicans var. emmonsii (white-tinged sedge), Charlestown, RI. State Concern,
Doug_McGrady: Carex albicans var. emmonsii (white-tinged sedge), Charlestown, RI. State Concern,
Doug_McGrady: Carex blanda (eastern woodland sedge), Charlestown, RI
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium oneidense (blunt-lobed grapefern), Burlingame Management Area, Charlestown, RI. Regionally rare.