Doug Klembara: Cleaning the brush
Doug Klembara: Pre-Engagment Setup
Doug Klembara: Waiting for Taylor
Doug Klembara: Check out all the faces
Doug Klembara: Walking out to there tree
Doug Klembara: Anticapting the Moment
Doug Klembara: Kameron reading scripture to Taylor
Doug Klembara: Hanging up the remote Camera
Doug Klembara: Arial View of the engagement
Doug Klembara: So aweosme
Doug Klembara: After proposal shots
Doug Klembara: The gorgeous Ring
Doug Klembara: After the
Doug Klembara: Thier Tree at night
Doug Klembara: Manportrait
Doug Klembara: Before the Engagement
Doug Klembara: Them on the swing
Doug Klembara: The Engagement
Doug Klembara: Kevin Throwing the Log