Dougerino: boots and flowers
Dougerino: "Hate is not a Mount Vernon value"
Dougerino: Sean Salazar
Dougerino: "Campaign for Liberty"
Dougerino: "Your unpatriotic fearmonger talk is not welcome in Seattle"
Dougerino: "Sure, he's an idiot bigot, but he's OUR idiot bigot! Welcome Glenn!"
Dougerino: "Save our Sonics"
Dougerino: waving at the bus
Dougerino: "teabagging is for lovers"
Dougerino: "Glen Beck, like a rock only dumber"
Dougerino: Safeco Field
Dougerino: "If crazy was a pre-existing condition, no Republican would have health care"
Dougerino: crowd control
Dougerino: outside Safeco
Dougerino: "Welcome Home Glenn"
Dougerino: "stop Fox & Beck liars"
Dougerino: "Popular Delusion Exposed"
Dougerino: the pro-Beck side of the street
Dougerino: "Heck with Beck"
Dougerino: can you spot the non-white person?