Dougeee: Arachtober 15, juvenile Rabidosa rabida
Dougeee: Arachtober 14, juvenile Argiope aurantia
Dougeee: Fly Day Friday … Syrphidae on Zinnia
Dougeee: Arachtober 13, Ctenus hibernalis. The second best thing about traveling to the in-laws around Christmas is looking for C. hibernalis. The best is the food.
Dougeee: Arachtober 12, Acacesia hamata
Dougeee: Arachtober 11… male Striped Lynx
Dougeee: Arachtober 10, Southern Unstriped Scorpion
Dougeee: Arachtober 9, male Rabidosa rabida, Wolf Spider
Dougeee: Arachtober 8, Pisaurina mira
Dougeee: Arachtober 7, Trichonephila clavipes, Golden Silk Orbweaver, male and female. Their range is slowly moving northward. Here 21 years and the first I’ve seen and they were in my yard.
Dougeee: Arachtober 6, Schizocosa, Lycosidae
Dougeee: Arachtober 5, Gladicosa pulchra, Lycosidae
Dougeee: Arachtober 4, Longjawed Orbweaver
Dougeee: Arachtober 3… a late start. Happy Arachtober
Dougeee: Fly Day Friday, Chrysanthrax cypris
Dougeee: Arachtober 31e, Go Braves! Pisaurina dubia
Dougeee: Arachtober 31d, Gladicosa
Dougeee: Arachtober 31c, shadowy Tigrosa
Dougeee: Arachtober 31b, Elaver genus, Clubionidae
Dougeee: Arachtober 31a, Euryopis (funebris) … a cool ant catching Orb Weaver that doesn’t make an orb but throws a web over passing prey.
Dougeee: Arachtober 30c, maybe Elaver, Clubionidae
Dougeee: Arachtober 30b, Magnolia Green Jumper
Dougeee: Arachtober 30a, Metaltella simoni I believe
Dougeee: Fly Day Friday
Dougeee: Fly Day Friday, Phantom Crane Fly
Dougeee: Arachtober 28c, Metacyrba floridana
Dougeee: Arachtober 28b, Dolomedes albineus
Dougeee: Arachtober 28a, male Leucauge I believe
Dougeee: Arachtober 27c, Wolf Spider with babies
Dougeee: Arachtober 27b, male Pisaurina mira