Dougeee: Cuban Anole
Dougeee: Last squirrel lunch vid
Dougeee: Squirrel Lunch 3.....natural predation
Dougeee: Squirrel Lunch 2...get to the ground
Dougeee: Squirrel lunch 1....still in the tree
Dougeee: Juvenile Rat Snake
Dougeee: Rough Green Snake
Dougeee: Krispy Kreme shirt and yard visitor
Dougeee: Silver-spotted Skipper for supper
Dougeee: Slimy Salamander....warm day after xmas and rural, wet Alabama causes me to go Salamandering
Dougeee: Marbled Salamander....warm day after xmas and rural, wet Alabama causes me to go Salamandering
Dougeee: 5 lined skink...stubby for real
Dougeee: Tree Frog on my pinky
Dougeee: Tree Frog
Dougeee: juvenile Box Turtle
Dougeee: Another dewlappin Anole
Dougeee: Skink
Dougeee: Anole
Dougeee: Slimy Salamander
Dougeee: Rat Snake
Dougeee: Deja vu....Gray Tree Frog .... in the Dogwood. Check photo below
Dougeee: Southern Ringneck
Dougeee: Oops....I awakened it
Dougeee: Mr and Mrs my driveway
Dougeee: Up-close, E Fence Lizard, on my fence
Dougeee: male Eastern Fence Lizard....on my fence
Dougeee: Eye of Grumpy Sentinel
Dougeee: Grumpy Sentinel
Dougeee: Obligatory Anole in the Cestrum