dougd1029: MAP-Text
dougd1029: Village1
dougd1029: Clearing
dougd1029: At the Well
dougd1029: Washing Dishes
dougd1029: Mother & Children
dougd1029: Mamadou
dougd1029: Woman Pounding Grain
dougd1029: Chef d'Arrondissement
dougd1029: Senegalese Tea
dougd1029: Checkers Game
dougd1029: Lunchtime
dougd1029: Circumcision Cohort
dougd1029: Peuhl Boy
dougd1029: Young Cow Herder
dougd1029: Well-Peuhl Boys
dougd1029: Cows Drinking
dougd1029: Bringing in the shelves
dougd1029: Charrette-dusty road
dougd1029: Village-small
dougd1029: Village-small2
dougd1029: Village Entrance
dougd1029: Bath Time
dougd1029: Home building-bunco
dougd1029: Bird Trapper
dougd1029: Village Store
dougd1029: Car Rapide
dougd1029: Vendor 3
dougd1029: Pumping
dougd1029: School Garden