Douglas Coulter:
Fairland Old Barn Building
Douglas Coulter:
Secor Nearby Old Barn
Douglas Coulter:
Roberts Barn Across Field
Douglas Coulter:
Modesto Nearby Barn Photo Painting 2
Douglas Coulter:
Modesto Nearby Barn DaVinci Sketch
Douglas Coulter:
Berwick Barn Nearby BW
Douglas Coulter:
Berwick Barn Nearby
Douglas Coulter:
Zearing Barn BW
Douglas Coulter:
Barn and Tabor Feed Mill BW colorized
Douglas Coulter:
Elmore Barn and Windmill BW
Douglas Coulter:
Windmill 4 beyond barn
Douglas Coulter:
Clarence Barn and Chris
Douglas Coulter:
Tabor Barn and Tabor Feed Mill
Douglas Coulter:
Delong Barn
Douglas Coulter:
Zearing Barn
Douglas Coulter:
2013 Barn Bins and Farm
Douglas Coulter:
2013 blog 65 Barn and Tabor Feed Mill BW blog
Douglas Coulter:
Christian Sutter Barn - Illinois Mennonite Heritage Center
Douglas Coulter:
Barn and Tabor Feed Mill BW
Douglas Coulter:
Day 339 Elmore Barn and Windmill blog
Douglas Coulter:
Day 237 Mackinaw barn_bar blog
Douglas Coulter:
Day 218 Phelps Barn blog
Douglas Coulter:
Day 207 Barn in Corn Field blog
Douglas Coulter:
Esther barn
Douglas Coulter:
Ralph Hohnstreiter with horse at barn
Douglas Coulter:
Marjorie Coulter in barn door
Douglas Coulter:
Day 250 5 Windmills with barn and corn vive 3911
Douglas Coulter:
Day 250 1 Windmill 4 beyond barn 3920
Douglas Coulter:
Day 249 Windmill 3a behind barn 3914
Douglas Coulter:
Windmills with barn and corn