Doug NC: Bus Stopped
Doug NC: No Standing
Doug NC: Out Up Front
Doug NC: 82nd St.
Doug NC: Cold Windy Drive
Doug NC: Very Environmentally Friendly Vehicle
Doug NC: Mr. Softee
Doug NC: Jackass of the Day
Doug NC: Punched Buggy
Doug NC: Stationary
Doug NC: Traffic Headache
Doug NC: House with a View
Doug NC: Arresting Developments
Doug NC: Fogged out Rollercoaster
Doug NC: 10 Minutes
Doug NC: Waiting
Doug NC: Van Man Bam!
Doug NC: Sunrise over Flushing
Doug NC: Little Pink Houses...
Doug NC: Tanker
Doug NC: Rear Facial
Doug NC: On the Run (not)
Doug NC: Cross Island Fog
Doug NC: Behind the Gang
Doug NC: Hang Time
Doug NC: Plainview Junkie
Doug NC: Coffee and a CombOver
Doug NC: Danger
Doug NC: Zucchini Power
Doug NC: Mobile Subculture