Doug.Mall: The Groom's Parents with the BagPiper...
Doug.Mall: The Groomsmen
Doug.Mall: The Bride with Mom and Dad
Doug.Mall: Blessing the Rings
Doug.Mall: The Happy Wedded Couple
Doug.Mall: An Interesting Fire Kiss
Doug.Mall: The Bride and the Two Moms
Doug.Mall: Striking a pose
Doug.Mall: Thumbs up for the wedding food...!
Doug.Mall: Twin Gentlemen
Doug.Mall: Wisconsin Guests...
Doug.Mall: The delicious cake
Doug.Mall: Entertainment...
Doug.Mall: The Groom's Family
Doug.Mall: Cutting the Cake 1
Doug.Mall: Cutting the Cake 1
Doug.Mall: The Happy Couple Escorts Grandma
Doug.Mall: After the Ceremony
Doug.Mall: Smiles...
Doug.Mall: Bride and Grandma
Doug.Mall: Wedding Flowers
Doug.Mall: Colorful Wedding Shelter